Concrete coring utilizes a diamond cutting drill to cut a perfect round hole in any concrete structure – in a floor, wall, or ceiling. The process is low-noise, dust-free and non-percussive, meaning it is the most popular choice for cutting. A core drill is a hollow, cylindrical drill that is used to make holes through a surface. It is made of metal, and the drill tips are usually coated with either diamond or carbide. A core drill is composed of a motor, handle, and drill bits. The main difference between a core drill and other cement cutting tools is that a core drill will extract a sample from the material. The center of the drill is hollow, allowing it to carve out a sample from the drilled material. This sample, called a core sample, conforms to the shape of the hollow walls of the drill.
A core drill can penetrate various surface types. It can cut cement, wood, rocks, and ice. It pushes through the surface with a twisting motion to create the hole. A different drill bit needs to be installed for each surface to allow for the best performance.